Background and Introduction

Deafness gDNA Reference Standard contains homozygous and heterozygous mutations on 4 genes  including GJB2, SLC26A4, GJB3 and mitochondria 12S rRNA, which can be used as negative and positive controls for routine quality control and performance evaluation of the test process.

Key Features

 Sample derived from human cell line 

Mimic patient samples 

 Comprehensive variant loci 

Covers common variants of inherited deafness  

 Wide range of applications 

PCR, NGS, Sanger and other platforms are applicable


 Assess the efficiency of detection process

 Evaluate the impact of background noise on variant detection

 Validate the stability of the assay process Optimize and validate new assay panels and monitor process performance

 Compare assay variation across platforms

 Reveal limits of process in variants detection and quantification Analyze the sensitivity, accuracy and specificity of the assay process

Product list
